Intertropical Convergence Zone

Okay, how many of you have looked at the atmosphere unit that you are expected to teach in geography and thought to yourself - how can I deliver this in a way that the teenagers in front of me are going to be able to understand?

For many years I bashed away at this and I think I eventually found the way forward.

Firstly - humour. Make it feel like you understand as much as they do and give it a "lets all learn together" vibe. A bit of play acting comes in here.

Secondly - humour! Lets all have a laugh together as we learn. Get everyone involved with leading questions but make the atmosphere (LOL) as if they are not being judged to encourage them.

Thirdly - humour and colouring in. It's geography you are teaching! Don't forget the diagram drawing and colouring in. I usually joke that I keep the best coloured pencils just for that particular class as they are special (spoiler alert - I don't).

Fourthly - here is my bit by bit lesson on the intertropical convergence zone with accompanying work booklet template to help out. It releases the learning points with slow animations to help build up knowledge - but not in an overwhelming way.

Oh, and don't forget to grill them over and over again when you see them forevermore at the start of lessons on what they have learned previously. Repetition can be fun! 👍👍😁😁

The Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) | Teaching Resources (

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