Intertropical Convergence Zone
Okay, how many of you have looked at the atmosphere unit that you are expected to teach in geography and thought to yourself - how can I deliver this in a way that the teenagers in front of me are going to be able to understand? For many years I bashed away at this and I think I eventually found the way forward. Firstly - humour. Make it feel like you understand as much as they do and give it a "lets all learn together" vibe. A bit of play acting comes in here. Secondly - humour! Lets all have a laugh together as we learn. Get everyone involved with leading questions but make the atmosphere (LOL) as if they are not being judged to encourage them. Thirdly - humour and colouring in. It's geography you are teaching! Don't forget the diagram drawing and colouring in. I usually joke that I keep the best coloured pencils just for that particular class as they are special (spoiler alert - I don't). Fourthly - here is my bit by bit lesson on the intertropical convergence...